Gah, Power Tools!

It’s Amy (Laura’s sis), guest blogger and Lumber Understudy here!  Yesterday was an exciting day of cutting the first pieces of lumber for the foundation on the trailer.  Ahh, there’s nothing like the smell of sawdust and the hum of power tools.

First, Laura and Jeremy used a skill saw to cut down the wood to the correct length (note their adorable matching t-shirts!):


I helped hold the lumber still… and soon learned that you should keep your mouth closed while the saw is on.  But it’s so exciting, I couldn’t help it:

IMG_8422Then we cut the wood (table saw!) into strips to fit on the cross-members of the trailer bed:IMG_8442

Twins with power tools (Amy left, Laura right):


We laid the strips down on the trailer…. and they fit!  Good work:


Aerial view of all the pieces of wood laid out:


Time to celebrate the day with a beer (Laura left,  Amy right):


It was a fun day of cutting wood, the first cuts of the home-building process!  I’m so proud of my sister and Jeremy for putting their vision into action and building their home with their own hands.  I wish I could be here to help raise the walls, but it is back to Oregon for me soon.

Keep on following their adventures — click “Follow” and you can receive email blog updates.  Leave a comment below!

— Amy

Meeting the Trailer

IMG_8350This week we met our 24 foot PJ Trailer, which will be the foundation of our tiny house. It was delivered to our friend’s property in Dublin, NH, where we will be building. Here we are with our first major house purchase, so exciting!!

Jeremy and his mom, Barbara, and little bro, Matt:


One of our first tasks was picking a site to build the house on. We hauled the trailer to the spot and Jeremy jacked up the trailer to get it at the right height:


Matt has been a big help already with building advice and providing people power:


The last big task of the day was leveling the trailer so that we’ll have a level foundation to build the house on:


Next post: We’ll be preparing the trailer for house-building.  Stay tuned!